Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 3

Matt Atkins talked about the father-heart of God. This week i i moved from believing God loves the world to God Loves Me, and that he is not disappointed in me!
Knowing the Father Loves you is the foundation to growing as a Christian. Matt talked about how God's love is unconditionally demonstrated, which is the way He acts towards us and not just how He feels. His love is also demonstrated affections , which is experiencing His love! Matt also talked about what hinders us from receiving God's love and its my fallen nature.
My fallen nature has a deep longing to be known and loved, so i have this fear of what people think of me. This fear also come from me feeling like i am just not good enough so i begin comparing myself with other people, comparing how they are better then me or what gifts they have that i wish i had, because if i had them i would be a much better Christian/person and God would love me more and i would then be good enough (I hope you can followed that). ahhhh but it's so not about that! God can't love me anymore then He does right now! His love isn't based on performance or earning it by being a better person, HE LOVE ME FOR ME! God for sure doesn't compare me to others! oh man how flippin amazing is His Love for me!

and yeah it was a very emotional week just dealing with breaking down some walls and letting God totally in. but also during this week God's love for me went from just being head knowledge to actually understanding and experiencing how much He loves me!

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