During our time in Haiti we worked in an area called the 5th section. Our job was to go to every house, in the certain village we went that day, and write down the caregivers name, the condition of their house, and if their family had any other needs (that all was the inspectors job). Then the inspectors would give the information they had written down, to the person and they were sent over to the tent. Under the tent we had 5 people at the computer entering all the data into the computer system and taking a picture of the caregiver. The picture was then printed out made into an ID card for each of the families. After each family got an ID then were given a Blue Food Card, which later in the week they would turn in for a box of food supplies.
I worked under the tent on the computers along with Alyssa, Kathy, Lori and Luke. Hannah By. and Hannha W. were our ID card makers.
Day 1 we headed to a village called La Grange. We were in for a fun surprise with the traveling conditions! We all pilled the truck (picture below) along with all our equipment and set off. It began to rain but we keep moving, stopping a few time to decided it we should even go. We were informed that the road to La Grange would be extremely muddy and rough to get through. But we decided to go for it! WOW what a trip, mud flying everywhere, tires spinning, people banging into each other and trying to hang on to anything we could find in order to stay on the truck. Once we even had to get out and push-start the truck! After arriving it took us a while to get started but we soon got the hang of things. I had a fun time trying to get people to smile for their picture. I usually got a smile when i said "su wee" which is the word for smile, now that i think about it, they usually laughed after i tried saying smile!
--God did some awesome protecting during our trip there and back through all the mud and pot holes. Over all we took about 400 pictures, which= 400 families that are now in the computer system!
Day 2 we headed out to another village called Desfounaue, Terry and the base had never worked with them before. Things went smoothly and we got down around lunch time. Kathy and I made hopscotch but all the kids were to shy to play. So we ended up entertaining a large group and kids (and adults!) with a small game of hopscotch. We headed to another village where were unable to drive into because of the floods. We ended up teaming up and all being inspectors for the day.
--My eyes were open to the poverty of Haiti, houses were extremely tiny and made of mud, sticks and whatever else they could find. But yet i saw smiles of JOY and happiness in many of their eyes.
Day 3 we headed back to La Grange to hand out food boxes, it took 4 truck trips to get all the boxes there! It was a great adventure traveling with 100 some boxes and 5-8 people on the back of the truck. While waiting in La grange between trips we played with the kids! The kids were a great joy! They loved having their pictures taken and also loved repeating everything we said!
Day 4 started off amazing because Lindsay and Laura (two girls on staff at YWAM, Haiti from PA!) made pancakes for us, what a blessing! Then they took us the market--> not what i expected at all. The streets were used for walking, selling and driving on, kind of crazy. The market didn't have any fun little souvenirs that i was looking for. Then we went out for lunch, and got some very interesting spaghetti a little to spicy for my likings. Finished off our Saturday night playings games! (Four on a couch!)
Day 5 was sleep in Sunday! Our team had a very powerful time of worship and intercession, a time of mending relationships --> a very freeing time. We spent the rest of the afternoon getting things ready and organized to run the church service later that night. The first part of the night we had around 50 kids from the street, come to the base. Our team acted out the story of Daniel and The Lions Den and did a craft --> Lions Masks! I loved every minuet of it! The kids were a real joy to work with and seemed to love the lions masks. The service started off with worship some songs in creole and some in English. I could defiantly feel the Holy Spirit moving during the service, people were singing, dancing and worshiping the Lord with everything in them! (i know i was!) Our team did two drama's, two testimonies and then Veronica (one of my staff leaders) preached.
--God really encouraged me to worship Him whole-heartedly in all i do, not just when it comes to singing.
Day 6 we headed back to the 5th section where things didn't seem to be going well. We were informed before we left that there were only 200 people in the village we were working at, but by lunch time we were still taking people's pictures. Things weren't adding up and Terry decided to head home early because the people were lying and tricking us into making more then one ID card for their families.
--This was the first time i felt so much Spiritual warfare. I was very frustrated and didn't have a very good attitude towards the people of the village. It was sad to see the greed and selfishness of the people. But God reminded me in Romans 8:38 that "nothing can ever separate us from God's love... not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's Love." So i have no excuse to withhold God's love from others.
Day 7 started out in prayer, out team felt like big things were going to happen! We went to three different villages. The first we preformed two drama's and i gave my testimony! God gave me the words to say in a simple way to be translated and i wasn't even nervous. They were very hospitable to us-->brought out chairs for us, listened and were very respectful when one of us was talking. They received their food boxes with gratitude and some even stopped for us to pray for them! Terry (YWAM Learder) decided hang out and eat lunch at one of his favorite villages. I had a good time preforming drama's, praying for the people of the village and holding the cutest baby for a good 30 mins! The next village we all became inspectors, handing out blue cards to those who had ID cards. Things went to smoothly and the people were friendly.
--What an awesome day, i saw many people accept Jesus into their hearts and genuinely what a change for their life. God really used our team to reach the people of these villages and aloud big things to happen!
I played soccer with some of the guys on staff from Haiti, they were awesome! I could have played all night long! It was good to play soccer again. :)
Day 7 half the team stayed at the base to help with the school they run and the others went to one more village to hand out food boxes. I stayed and went with Lindsay Horning (YWAM Staff from PA!) to her class. Because it was the day before thanksgiving the kids had a half day. So we celebrated thanksgiving with the kids --> meal, stories, thanksgiving bingo, dress up and coloring. These kids are so special and i could see God shinning in each one of them, especially when we went around and said what we were thankful for. They really have a heart for God. That afternoon Terry spoke to us on long term missions and how to overcome spiritual warfare.
--God really encouraged me to remain trusting in him because He wants to use me!
Later that night was the November birthday celebration and tradition on base is: b-day people get thrown into the pool! Fun times hanging out with the Haiti staff.
Day 8 we took picture and said our good-byes to the staff of YWAM Haiti. The ride to the airport was 2 1/2 hrs... a lot of time to thing about how I'm going to miss Haiti.
Hope this wasn't to long for you guys to read, i just couldn't leave some of what happen out! Thanks for all your prayers and support during my time in Haiti, it was a trip i will never forget!

push-start everyday!
Keep it up girl! I know sometimes it can be exhausting and overwhelming in the poverty striken conditions you were in...Does make you wonder, how we got so lucky to be born where we were, doesn't it? Why are we sooo Blessed? Glad to hear you are seeing God move, and feeling his pulse. Take Care. Love, Mis.
Thanks for the precious note! Love you girl...Mis.
Ahh...Haiti....Terri Snow....I miss thee.....Good for you going to Haiti!
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