Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I'm HOME! Thanks to all who were praying for me during the last 5 months and Thanks to those who supported me financially! I had an awesome time and wouldn't change my experience for anything!

I'm sorry i didn't do the best job keeping this blog updated throughout my DTS, but here's the lastest....
I've been home in PA for a week now! It's crazy how time fly's. I'm not going to go into detail about my outreach right now just because that would be so much to type. Hey i'm not that lazy, it's just i would rather talk about my experience and growth then type about it right now. So if you want to hear more about my outreach and what God has been doing since December or whenever my last post was give me shout, call or e-mail. I would love to talk with you!
(e-mail: maumble20@juno.com)

This is morgan signing off this blog till who knows when...


Unknown said...

I appreciate you giving this a shot for those like me who are just plain anti-facebook. :) It was so good to catch up a little bit between strokes last night...we'll have to get together again soon. Have a good week. mis.

TJ said...

MUMBLE!!! You can talk to me face to face about your growth and change anytime!!! I'm glad to see you're gettin settled back home!! I miss you round here though.

PS did you notice your picture on your blog makes you look so much younger??? You grew up so fast!!
